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Motorola MC68882RC16A
by RS232 (2058 pt)
2019-Nov-08 09:02

Review Consensus: 8 Rating: 8 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

The Motorola MC68882RC16A is a coprocessor in systems where MC68020 or MC68030 are CPUs. It works as a peripheral processor in cases where the CPU is MC68000, MC68008 or MC68010.
Replacement for 68k series vintage computers such as Apple, Amiga, Atari, graphic workstations, vintage UNIX computers.
Replacement for 68k series vintage computers such as Apple, Amiga, Atari, graphic workstations, vintage UNIX computers,
This chip was ceramic and gilded with a frequency of 16 MHz.
Main features of the MC68882 series:
  • Eight general-purpose floating-point data registers, each supporting a full 80-bit extended precision real data format
  • A 67-bit arithmetic unit to allow very fast calculations, with intermediate precision greater than the extended-precision format.
  • A 67-bit barrel shifter for high speed shifting operations
  • Special purpose hardware for high speed conversion of binary real memory operations and from the internal extended format
  • Reduced coprocessor interface overhead to increase throughput
  • 46 instructions, including 35 arithmetic operations
  • Full conformance to IEE 754 standard, including a full set of trigonometric and transcenental functions
  • Seven data types: bytes, words and long-words integers; single, double, extended-precision real numbers and packed binary-coded decimal (BCD) string real numbers
  • 22 constants available in the on-chip ROM including π, e, and powers of 10
  • Virtual memory / machine operations
  • Efficient mechanism for procedure calls, context switches and interrupt handling
  • Concurrent instruction execution with the main processor
  • Concurrent instruction execution of multiple floaying-point instructions
  • Use with any host processor on an 8, 16 or 32 bit data bus
