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Myrtrimonium Bromide

Rating : 5


Preservative (1) Antimicrobial (1)

<1 / 1>from A_Partyns

Myrtrimonium bromide is a chemical compound derived from Cetyltrimethylammonium (a surfactant) and is used as a topical antiseptic.The name defines the structure of the moleculeMyrtrimonium indicates a specific structure that includes an alkyl chain derived from myristic acid.Bromide refers to the bromide anion (Br-) present in the compound, formin... (Read the full Tiiip)

9 pts from A_Partyns

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Descrizione" about Myrtrimonium Bromide   Review Consensus 9
by A_Partyns (12876 pt)
2023-Aug-07 16:23
Myrtrimonium bromide is a chemical compound derived from Cetyltrimethylammonium (a surfactant) and is used as a topical antiseptic.The name defines the structure of the moleculeMyrtrimonium indicates ...
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Component type:   Chemical

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Last update:   2019-05-13 21:06:43

Chemical Risk: