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Kellogg's EXTRA Frutta e frutta secca 375 g
by Ark90 (12434 pt)
2021-Oct-23 16:09

Review Consensus: 10 Rating: 10 Number of users: 1
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Kellogg's EXTRA Frutta e frutta secca 375 g

Let's examine the most significant ingredients from a health point of view, in order of quantity as stated on the label:

Avena (Avena sativa)  is native to Mediterranean regions and belongs to the Poaceae family. The active components are mucilose polysaccharides (β-glucan), proteins (glutelin and avenin) and flavonoids. It contains a good amount of potassium and vitamin B and is one of the cereals that have a particularly low glycemic index. In this package the content of oats is 42%.

Uva sultanina Grape sultana derives from a process of drying grape berries. The addition of grapes or derivatives of grapes to the diet can have a certain benefit because of the anti-inflammatory action of polyphenols contained in grapes berries and seeds, in particular against colon cancer. Raisins have 330 calories, contains fiber, sugar, magnesium, potassium and traces of iron. It also contains flavonoids (catechins, quercetin, kaempferol and rutin), traces of epicatechins and resveratrol. However the beneficial effects of raisins, according to scientific studies, are rather discordant.

Banana contains carotenoids (mainly beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein), phenolic compounds, phytosterols that have antioxidant properties.

Olio di cocco Coconut oil is an extremely versatile oil and it is extracted by cold pressing and by chemical treatment. From a healthy point of view there are no contraindications, as for virgin coconut oil, that is untreated, it would only be necessary to know if, on food labels, the indication of a generic coconut oil, refers to the virgin one rather than the refined one. 

Zucchero. Sugar. A normal intake of sugar in the body is important for human health, particularly for the brain. Excessive sugar consumption is primarily associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, weight gain resulting in obesity, increased cholesterol, tooth decay, hypertension, and hepatic steatosis.

Mirtillo rosso Cranberry It has a very high polyphenol content, compared to fruits such as orange, grape, contains anthocyanins, polyphenols (quercetin, myricetin), malic acid, citric acid (3), vitamins (A, C, E), resveratrol. It can therefore be considered a nutraceutical.

Olio di girasole Sunflower oil has a fair sodium content, but is also distinguished by a high content of niacin, vitamin B6, folate and vitamin E as well as a high content of linoleic acid, all components with antioxidant activity.

Mela. Apple. It has antioxidant properties in particular on the fats of the cell membrane and therefore helps to fight vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and other forms of cardiovascular problems. Another important function is to regulate the balance of blood sugar, stimulating pancreatic cells to produce the right amount of insulin. Other studies have shown the effectiveness of apple in reducing the risks of asthma and aging.

Olio di palma  Palm oil is an oil mainly used by the food industry both for its low cost and for its pleasant taste. It contains a high content of saturated fats (about 50%) in which palmitic acid represents 45%. These data do not provide encouraging results on the increase of harmful LDL cholesterol.

In comparison, between palm oil and sunflower oil, it is confirmed that palm oil as a highly saturated vegetable oil can induce dysfunction of liver lipid metabolism.

Mandorla. Almond. It is energetic: in 100 grams we find 600 k calories. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, fibers, magnesium, it can regulate glucose homeostasis, it is hypocholesterolemic, it has an antioxidant action and it is an adjuvant for cardiovascular risks.

Nocciola. Hazelnut. It is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory and hypolipidemic nutrient and a diet including a good quantity of hazelnuts has the prerogative of reducing cholesterol thanks to the relevant content of vitamin E and polyphenols. A regular consumption of hazelnuts, despite the high value of calories, does not lead to weight gain. This result is probably caused by the antioxidant capacity of the body that acts by increasing the genes involved in oxidant reactions and inflammation.

Sale. Salt. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of salt as it may cause damage to the cardiovascular system and increase the values of harmful LDL cholesterol and cause hypertension, obesity and other serious pathologies. In this package the percentage of salt is quite low: 0,6 mg/100g.

Estratto di malto d'orzo Barley malt extract is traditionally used to flavor foods and is the product of barley germination. Barley and sprouted barley contain large amounts of glutamine, an important substrate for the colon mucosa. Glutamine is easily degraded by the low pH of the stomach, but some of the glutamine is protected by dietary fiber during digestion in the stomach and then reaches the colon.

Cocco. Coconut. Some components of coconut (dwarf coconut palm) liquid, mainly caffeic acid and ascorbic acid, have demonstrated antioxidant, hepatoprotective activity and reduce DNA damage thereby decreasing the oxidative stress induced by ethanol metabolism in steatosis and alcoholic steatohepatitis.

Cannella. Cinnamon. Recent studies have identified Cinnamon extract as a potential treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia and some types of tumors. Cinnamon has also been used traditionally in age-related brain disorders.

Now let's look at the nutritional chart.

Calories are high: 476 kcal every 100 grams of product.

Sugars are pretty high: 27 grams every 100 grams of product.

Salt has a pretty low value: 0.6 grams every 100 grams of product.


Fairly high amount of sugars and palm oil are the factors that will not make me buy this product again, despite the excellent ingredients that appear on the label. In particular, palm oil is positioned in the label between 17% of dehydrated fruit and 5% of nuts, so its percentage is not minimal. If we then consider that this oil is among the least recommended in the food industry and has been practically substituted by all the main food producers in favor of sunflower oil, and there is more than one reason supporting this substitution, the choice of avoiding products containing this oil seems to me appropriate.
