![]() | "Descrizione" by Al222 (20584 pt) | 2024-Apr-23 16:35 |
Adansonia Digitata Seed Oil è un prodotto di origine naturale ricavato dai semi dell'albero di baobab appartenente alla famiglia delle Malvaceae.
Il nome definisce la struttura della molecola:
Processo di produzione industriale
A cosa serve e dove si usa
Adansonia Digitata ha proprietà idratanti e nutritive (1). È ricco di acidi grassi essenziali, come l'acido linoleico e l'acido oleico, che sono importanti per mantenere l'elasticità e l'idratazione della pelle. L'estratto di semi di baobab contiene anche antiossidanti naturali che aiutano a proteggere la pelle dai danni dei radicali liberi. È comunemente usato in cosmetica per formulazioni destinate a nutrire e rigenerare la pelle, come creme, lozioni e maschere. Promuove una pelle più morbida e più giovane, migliorando la barriera cutanea e aumentando la ritenzione di umidità.
Cosmetica - Funzioni INCI
CAS 91745-12-9
EC number 294-680-8
Principali utilizzi e benefici
Idratante. Ricco di acidi grassi essenziali, aiuta a mantenere la pelle idratata, migliorandone l'elasticità e riducendo la secchezza.
Antiossidante. Contiene antiossidanti naturali come vitamine C e E (2), che proteggono la pelle dai danni dei radicali liberi e promuovono un aspetto più giovane.
Rigenerativo. Favorisce la rigenerazione cellulare (3), contribuendo a riparare la pelle danneggiata e a promuovere un incarnato più uniforme e luminoso.
Nutriente. Offre un'intensa nutrizione alla pelle grazie alla sua composizione ricca di vitamine e minerali, migliorando l'aspetto generale della pelle.
Lenitivo. Può avere proprietà lenitive, aiutando a calmare la pelle irritata e a ridurre il rossore.
Versatilità. Può essere utilizzato in una varietà di prodotti per la cura della pelle, inclusi creme, lozioni, sieri, e balsami per le labbra, sfruttando i suoi numerosi benefici per la pelle.
Adansonia Digitata è ritenuto una fonte di antiossidanti naturali e agente ipoglicemizzante (4) e può essere utilizzato come nutraceutico inibitore di alfa-amilasi, alfa-glucosidasi, enzima di conversione dell'angiotensina (5).
Questo ingrediente è generalmente ritenuto sicuro.
(1) Silva ML, Rita K, Bernardo MA, Mesquita MF, Pintão AM, Moncada M. Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab) Bioactive Compounds, Biological Activities, and the Potential Effect on Glycemia: A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2023 May 1;15(9):2170. doi: 10.3390/nu15092170.
Abstract. Adansonia digitata L. fruit, also known as baobab, has been used traditionally throughout the world for its medicinal properties. Ethnopharmacological uses of various plant parts have been reported for hydration, antipyretic, antiparasitic, antitussive, and sudorific properties and also in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery in many African countries. Several studies have revealed that in addition to these applications, baobab has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial activities. The health benefits of baobab have been attributed to its bioactive compounds, namely phenols, flavonoids, proanthocyanins, tannins, catechins, and carotenoids. Baobab fruit is also an important source of vitamin C and micronutrients, including zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and protein, which may reduce nutritional deficiencies. Despite scientific studies revealing that this fruit has a wide diversity of bioactive compounds with beneficial effects on health, there is a gap in the review of information about their mechanisms of action and critical analysis of clinical trials exploring, in particular, their effect on glycemia regulation. This work aims to present a current overview of the bioactive compounds, biological activities, and effects of A. digitata fruit on blood glucose, highlighting their potential mechanisms of action and effects on glycemia regulation, evaluated in recent animal and human trials.
(2) Braca A, Sinisgalli C, De Leo M, Muscatello B, Cioni PL, Milella L, Ostuni A, Giani S, Sanogo R. Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activities of Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab) from Mali, as a Source of Health-Promoting Compounds. Molecules. 2018 Nov 27;23(12):3104. doi: 10.3390/molecules23123104.
Abstract. Background: Adansonia digitata L. (Malvaceae), also known as baobab, is a tree attracting recent interest especially due to the high nutritional value of the fruit pulp. However, few studies are reported on the secondary metabolite content, showing high variability depending on the geographic region....Conclusions: This study confirmed the variability of baobab with different origins and indicated Malian species baobab as a promising source of health-promoting substances.
(3) Zeitoun H, Michael-Jubeli R, El Khoury R, Baillet-Guffroy A, Tfayli A, Salameh D, Lteif R. Skin lightening effect of natural extracts coming from Senegal botanical biodiversity. Int J Dermatol. 2020 Feb;59(2):178-183. doi: 10.1111/ijd.14699.
(4) Rita K, Bernardo MA, Silva ML, Brito J, Mesquita MF, Pintão AM, Moncada M. Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab Fruit) Effect on Postprandial Glycemia in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2022 Jan 17;14(2):398. doi: 10.3390/nu14020398.
Abstract. Baobab fruits have been traditionally used in Africa due to their therapeutic properties attributed to their high polyphenol content. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of baobab fruit on postprandial glycaemia in healthy adults and to measure its bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. The study (NCT05140629) was conducted on 31 healthy subjects. The participants were randomly allocated in the control group (oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT); n = 16) and in the intervention group (OGTT, followed by administration of 250 mL baobab aqueous extract (BAE); n = 15). Total phenols, proanthocyanins, hydrolyzable tannins, and antioxidant activity (FRAP, DPPH, ABTS, and inhibition of O2•- and NO• methods) were quantified. Repeated measures ANOVA of mixed type and independent samples t-test were used. Glycemia incremental area under the curve (p = 0.012) and glucose maximum concentration (p = 0.029) was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to the control group. The BAE revealed high total contents of phenols, proanthocyanins, and hydrolyzable tannins, as well as a strong capacity to scavenge superoxide anions and nitric oxide radicals and a high antioxidant activity. In conclusion, this study encourages the use of this food component as a promising source of natural antioxidants and a hypoglycemic agent under glucose load acute conditions.
(5) Cicolari S, Dacrema M, Tsetegho Sokeng AJ, Xiao J, Atchan Nwakiban AP, Di Giovanni C, Santarcangelo C, Magni P, Daglia M. Hydromethanolic Extracts from Adansonia digitata L. Edible Parts Positively Modulate Pathophysiological Mechanisms Related to the Metabolic Syndrome. Molecules. 2020 Jun 21;25(12):2858. doi: 10.3390/molecules25122858.
Abstract. Metabolic syndrome includes a cluster of risk factors for many pathological conditions, including hyperglycemia, abdominal obesity, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Adansonia digitata L. (also known as baobab) is used in traditional African Medicine and recent studies showed that it improves the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanisms of action associated with the beneficial effects of extracts from the edible parts of baobab (fruit pulp, leaves, raw and toasted seeds), evaluating their inhibitory activity against: alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase, angiotensin-converting enzyme, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, and pancreatic lipase. Baobab fruit pulp and leaf extracts resulted to be the most active ones and were then tested on the differentiation process of SW-872 human liposarcoma cells to mature adipocytes. The addition of these latter extracts did not affect triglyceride accumulation, indicating a neutral impact on this parameter. The findings here reported help to explain the growing amount of evidence on the biological properties of baobab and provide suggestions about their use in food and nutraceutical fields.
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