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di Al222 (18816 pt)
28-mar-2024 15:19

Il Fonio ( Digitaria exilis) è un cereale, una pianta che cresce in Senegal e che appartiene alla famiglia delle Poaceae.


Valore Nutrizionale. Il fonio è ricco di aminoacidi essenziali, che non possono essere prodotti dal corpo umano, oltre a contenere elevate quantità di ferro, calcio, flavonoidi (1) e vitamine del gruppo B. Grazie alla sua struttura granulare fine, il fonio è molto facile da digerire, rendendolo un'ottima scelta alimentare per tutte le età, compresi anziani e bambini (2).

Cottura. Uno dei maggiori vantaggi del fonio è la sua rapida cottura, che lo rende un'opzione pratica per pasti veloci e nutrienti. Il fonio può essere utilizzato in una vasta gamma di ricette, dai contorni ai piatti principali, dalle zuppe ai dolci, e anche come alternativa senza glutine al couscous o al riso.

Peso. Il suo alto contenuto di fibre potrebbe aiutare a promuovere la sazietà, supportando così la gestione del peso.

Sostenibilità. Il fonio cresce in condizioni di suolo povero e siccità, rendendolo una coltura estremamente sostenibile che può contribuire a combattere l'erosione del suolo e migliorare la sicurezza alimentare in aree aride.

Essendo naturalmente privo di glutine, il fonio è adatto per chi segue una dieta senza glutine.


(1) Sartelet H, Serghat S, Lobstein A, Ingenbleek Y, Anton R, Petitfrère E, Aguie-Aguie G, Martiny L, Haye B. Flavonoids extracted from fonio millet (Digitaria exilis) reveal potent antithyroid properties. Nutrition. 1996 Feb;12(2):100-6. doi: 10.1016/0899-9007(96)90707-8.

Abstract. Digitaria exilis (fonio) is a tiny variety of millet commonly eaten by inhabitants of semiarid regions. A sample of fonio collected right in the middle of a severely iodine-depleted goitrous endemic was submitted to phytochemical investigations in order to assess the potential contributory roles played by vegetable molecules to the goitrogenic processes. The total content of flavonoids amounts to 500 mg/kg of the edible whole cereal grains. Their extraction and identification fail to detect the C-glycosylflavones described in other millet varieties but point out the presence of apigenin (A = 150 mg/kg) and of luteolin (L1 = 350 mg/kg). Ten percent of A and 80% of L1 are present in free form, whereas the remaining 90% of A and 20% of L1 are bound as O-glycosylflavones. Both A and L1 aglycones manifest strong anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activities, resulting in a significant reduction of the hormonogenic capacity of this enzyme. In addition, L1 significantly depresses the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, implying a concomitant overproduction of the thyrotropin-dependent nucleotide. These last unreported data are regarded as counteracting to some extent the TPO-mediated goitrogenic properties of L1. Since fonio is devoid of other molecules likely to interfere with the thyroid function, our results are directly and casually attributed to A and L1 found in the customary diet.

(2) Koroch, A. R., Juliani, H. R., & Simon, J. E. (2013). Nutritional value of fonio (Digitaria exilis) from Senegal. In African Natural Plant Products Volume II: Discoveries and Challenges in Chemistry, Health, and Nutrition (pp. 127-133). American Chemical Society.

Abstract. As food production is facing many challenges due to the increased population growth and climate change, indigenous and new plants and plant products that can provide nutritionally rich foods can contribute to food security, income generating activity and the preservation of genetic materials that otherwise could be marginalized and/or displaced by other crop commodities. Fonio (Digitaria exilis) is a West African annual millet characterized by tiny seeds that is prized by local communities and enjoyed regionally. The grass is well adapted to hot, dry climates and poor soils, and thus is able to grow in areas where many other cereals are not suited. In West Africa, fonio is used in traditional medicine but more as a source offood, which is used to prepare porridges, flours, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The objective of this work is to review the literature on fonio research and provide initial nutritional information of fonio from Senegal.
