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by GStream (2743 pt)
2024-Apr-13 09:47

Review Consensus: 8 Rating: 8 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

L'Amaranto è una pianta appartenente alla numerosa famiglia delle Amarantaceae.

Amaranto contiene un buon contenuto di aminoacidi tra i quali la lisina, un aminoacido essenziale.

Alcune delle specie più interessanti dell'amaranto:

  • Amaranthus palmeri
  • Amaranthus caudatus
  • Amaranthus quitensis
  • Amaranthus cruentus
  • Amaranthus hypochondriacus
  • Amaranthus mangostanus

L'amaranto è un grano antico, considerato un super alimento per il suo notevole profilo nutrizionale e per la presenza di peptidi (2). Non è un vero cereale come il frumento o il riso, ma appartiene alla stessa famiglia di piante come la Quinoa. È privo di glutine e ricco di proteine, fibre, minerali essenziali e aminoacidi, rendendolo particolarmente adatto per diete vegetariane e vegane.

Profilo Nutrizionale (per 100 grammi):

  • Calorie Circa 371 kcal.
  • Proteine Circa 14 grammi, rendendolo una delle fonti vegetali più ricche di proteine complete, contenendo tutti gli aminoacidi essenziali.
  • Grassi Circa 7 grammi, inclusi acidi grassi polinsaturi benefici come l'acido linoleico.
  • Carboidrati Circa 65 grammi, con un alto contenuto di fibre.
  • Fibre Circa 7 grammi, contribuendo alla salute digestiva e al controllo della glicemia.
  • Vitamine e minerali Ricco di magnesio, ferro, fosforo, calcio e vitamine del gruppo B.


L'amaranto è noto per il suo alto contenuto di lisina, un aminoacido spesso carente in molti cereali, che lo rende particolarmente prezioso in una dieta vegetariana. Inoltre, ha proprietà antinfiammatorie e può aiutare a ridurre il colesterolo.

Uso in cucina Può essere cotto e utilizzato in modo simile al riso o alla Quinoa, in zuppe, stufati, insalate o come base per piatti caldi. I suoi semi possono anche essere fatti scoppiare come il popcorn per uno snack leggero e nutriente.

Salute Supporta la salute cardiovascolare, migliora la digestione (3), aiuta nella prevenzione dell'osteoporosi grazie all'alto contenuto di calcio, e può essere utile nel controllo del peso grazie al suo effetto saziante.

Conservazione Conservare in un contenitore ermetico in un luogo fresco e asciutto per preservare le sue qualità nutrizionali e prolungare la durata.

Amaranto studi


(1) Maldonado-Cervantes E, Jeong HJ, León-Galván F, Barrera-Pacheco A, De León-Rodríguez A, González de Mejia E, de Lumen BO, Barba de la Rosa AP Amaranth lunasin-like peptide internalizes into the cell nucleus and inhibits chemical carcinogen-induced transformation of NIH-3T3 cells.
Peptides. 2010 Sep; 31(9):1635-42.

(2) Soares RA, Mendonça S, de Castro LÍ, Menezes AC, Arêas JA. Major peptides from amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) protein inhibit HMG-CoA reductase activity.  Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Feb 16;16(2):4150-60. doi: 10.3390/ijms16024150.

Abstract. The objective of this study was to identify the major peptides generated by the in vitro hydrolysis of Amaranthus cruentus protein and to verify the effect of these peptides on the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), a key enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis. A protein isolate was prepared, and an enzymatic hydrolysis that simulated the in vivo digestion of the protein was performed. After hydrolysis, the peptide mixture was filtered through a 3 kDa membrane. The peptide profile of this mixture was determined by reversed phase high performance chromatography (RP-HPLC), and the peptide identification was performed by LC-ESI MS/MS. Three major peptides under 3 kDa were detected, corresponding to more than 90% of the peptides of similar size produced by enzymatic hydrolysis. The sequences identified were GGV, IVG or LVG and VGVI or VGVL. These peptides had not yet been described for amaranth protein nor are they present in known sequences of amaranth grain protein, except LVG, which can be found in amaranth α‑amylase. Their ability to inhibit the activity of HMG-CoA reductase was determined, and we found that the sequences GGV, IVG, and VGVL, significantly inhibited this enzyme, suggesting a possible hypocholesterolemic effect.

 (3) Zharkov IM, Miroshnichenko LA, Zviagin AA, Bavykina IA. Amaranth flour: characteristics, comparative analysis, application possibilities.  Vopr Pitan. 2014;83(1):67-73.

Abstract. Amaranth flour--a product of amaranth seeds processing--is a valuable industrial raw material that has an unique chemical composition and may be used for nutrition of people suffering from intolerance to traditional cereals protein, including celiac disease patients. The research aim was to study the composition of amaranth flour of two types compared with semolina which is traditionally used for nutrition by Russian population, as well as to compare the composition of milk amaranth flour porridge with milk semolina porridge. The composition of amaranth whole-ground flour and amaranth flour of premium grade processed from amaranth seeds grown in Voronezh region has been researched. It is to be noted that protein content in amaranth flour was 10.8-24.3% higher than in semolina, and its biological value and NPU-coefficient were higher by 22.65 and 46.51% respectively; lysine score in amaranth flour protein of premium grade came up to 107.54%, and in semolina protein only 40.95%. The level of digestible carbohydrates, including starch, was lower in amaranth flour than in semolina by 2.79-12.85 and 4.76-15.85% respectively, while fiber content was 15.5-30 fold higher. Fat content in amaranth flour of premium grade was 2,4 fold lower than in whole-ground amaranth flour but it was 45% higher than in semolina. The main advantage of amaranth flour protein compared to wheat protein is the predominance of albumins and globulins and a minimal content of prolamines and alpha-gliadin complete absence. The specifics of chemical composition allow the amaranth flour to be recommended for being included into nutrition of both healthy children and adults and also celiac disease patients.
