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Flower pollen
by Al222 (18816 pt)
2024-Apr-13 10:50

Il polline di fiori è raccolto dalle api che visitano i fiori e viene comunemente utilizzato come integratore alimentare per i suoi numerosi benefici per la salute. Ricco di proteine, vitamine, minerali e antiossidanti, il polline di fiori è spesso descritto come un "superfood" naturale. È utilizzato non solo per migliorare l'energia e il benessere generale, ma anche per il suo potenziale di supporto alle funzioni immunitarie e digestive.

Profilo Nutrizionale (per 100 grammi):

  • Calorie Circa 314 kcal.
  • Proteine Circa 24,1 grammi, fornendo un'alta percentuale di proteine facilmente assimilabili.
  • Grassi Circa 4,9 grammi, con una buona presenza di acidi grassi essenziali.
  • Carboidrati Circa 49,2 grammi, che includono una varietà di zuccheri naturali e fibre.
  • Fibre Circa 6,0 grammi.
  • Vitamine e minerali Ricco di vitamine del gruppo B, vitamina C, vitamina E, ferro, magnesio, calcio e potassio. Contiene anche una significativa quantità di antiossidanti bioattivi.

Processo di produzione industriale

La produzione di polline di fiori comporta la raccolta e l'elaborazione dei granuli di polline dai fiori, un prodotto noto per i suoi benefici nutrizionali e utilizzato in integratori alimentari. 

  • Raccolta del polline. Il polline viene raccolto dalle piante durante i periodi di massima fioritura, utilizzando spazzole speciali o altri dispositivi meccanici che tolgono delicatamente il polline dai fiori senza danneggiare la pianta.
  • Pulizia e setacciatura. Il polline raccolto viene pulito per rimuovere impurità e detriti, quindi setacciato per garantire uniformità nella dimensione dei granuli.
  • Essiccazione. Il polline viene essiccato delicatamente a basse temperature per preservare i suoi nutrienti essenziali e ridurre il contenuto di umidità, evitando la formazione di muffa.


Il polline di fiori è noto per le sue proprietà antinfiammatorie, antimicrobiche e antiossidanti. È utilizzato tradizionalmente per migliorare la resistenza e la vitalità, per supportare la salute del sistema digestivo e per aiutare nelle reazioni allergiche, grazie alla sua capacità di rafforzare il sistema immunitario.

Uso in cucina Può essere aggiunto a frullati, yogurt, cereali, o utilizzato per guarnire insalate e altri piatti per un tocco nutrizionale e decorativo.

Salute Supporta il sistema immunitario, migliora la digestione e fornisce energia sostenuta (1). È anche utilizzato per la sua azione supportiva in condizioni di stress e fatica.

Conservazione Conservare in un contenitore ermetico in un luogo fresco e asciutto per preservare la sua potenza e freschezza.


Allergie e Sensibilità Persone allergiche ai pollini dovrebbero procedere con cautela, poiché il polline di fiori può provocare reazioni allergiche (2). 

L'immunoterapia allergene-specifica è l'unica terapia approvata per la terapia curativa delle allergie indotte dai pollini (3).


(1) Uțoiu E, Matei F, Toma A, Diguță CF, Ștefan LM, Mănoiu S, Vrăjmașu VV, Moraru I, Oancea A, Israel-Roming F, Cornea CP, Constantinescu-Aruxandei D, Moraru A, Oancea F. Bee Collected Pollen with Enhanced Health Benefits, Produced by Fermentation with a Kombucha Consortium. Nutrients. 2018 Sep 23;10(10):1365. doi: 10.3390/nu10101365.

Abstract. The bioavailability of pollen bioactive compounds for humans is limited. In this study, our aim was to enhance the health-related benefits of pollen by fermentation with a Kombucha/SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts) consortium. We performed the fermentation of pollen suspended from the beginning with SCOBY on sweetened green tea or on Kombucha vinegar, by adding pollen after 20 days of Kombucha fermentation. We analyzed: formation of bioactive compounds (anti-oxidant polyphenols, soluble silicon, hydroxy-acids, short chain fatty acids-SCFA); parameters related to Kombucha fermentation (dynamics of lactic acid bacteria-LAB, formation of organic acids, soluble sugar evolution on Kombucha vinegar); the influence of Kombucha fermentation on pollen morphology and ultrastructure; in vitro cytotoxic and antitumoral effects of the Kombucha fermented pollen. The pollen addition increases LAB proportion in the total number of SCOBY microbial strains. SEM images highlight the adhesion of the SCOBY bacteria to pollen. Ultrastructural analysis reveals the release of the pollen content. The content of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, soluble silicon species and SCFA) is higher in the fermented pollen and the product shows a moderate antitumoral effect on Caco-2 cells. The health benefits of pollen are enhanced by fermentation with a Kombucha consortium.

Kostić AŽ, Milinčić DD, Barać MB, Ali Shariati M, Tešić ŽL, Pešić MB. The Application of Pollen as a Functional Food and Feed Ingredient-The Present and Perspectives. Biomolecules. 2020 Jan 5;10(1):84. doi: 10.3390/biom10010084. 

Abstract. Pollen is recognized as an excellent dietary supplement for human nutrition, which is why it can be found in different forms on the market (granules, capsules, tablets, pellets, and powders). But, the digestibility of pollen's nutrients is strongly affected by the presence of a pollen shell, which can decrease the bioavailability of nutrients by 50% and more. Since consumers have become more aware of the benefits of a healthy diet and the necessity to improve pollen digestibility, different pollen-based functional food products have been developed and extensive studies were done to estimate the beneficial effects of pollen-based feed on animal growth, health, and rigor mortise stage. Considering the positive effects of pollen nutrients and phytometabolites on human and animal health, the aim of this paper was to give an overview of recent achievements in the application of pollen in the formulation of functional food and animal diets. Special attention was paid to the effects of pollen's addition on the nutritional, functional, techno-functional, and sensory properties of the new formulated food products. Anti-nutritional properties of pollen were also discussed. This review points out the benefits of pollen addition to food and feed and the possible directions in the further development of functional food and feed for the wellbeing of everyone.

(2) Poncet P, Sénéchal H, Charpin D. Update on pollen-food allergy syndrome. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2020 Jun;16(6):561-578. doi: 10.1080/1744666X.2020.1774366. 

Abstract. Introduction: Allergies affect 20-30% of the population and respiratory allergies are mostly due to pollen grains from anemophilous plants. One to 5% of people suffer from food allergies and clinicians report increasing numbers of pollen-food allergy syndrome (PFAS), such that the symptoms have broadened from respiratory to gastrointestinal, and even to anaphylactic shock in the presence of cofactors. Thirty to 60% of food allergies are associated with pollen allergy while the percentage of pollen allergies associated to food allergy varies according to local environment and dietary habits....Expert opinion: Both allergenic sources, pollen and food, are submitted to the same stressful environmental changes resulting in an increase of pathogenesis-related proteins in which numerous allergens are found. This might be responsible for the potential increase of PFAS.

(3) Su Y, Romeu-Bonilla E, Heiland T. Next generation immunotherapy for tree pollen allergies. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2017 Oct 3;13(10):2402-2415. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2017.1367882. PMID: 28853984; PMCID: PMC5647991.

Abstract. Tree pollen induced allergies are one of the major medical and public health burdens in the industrialized world. Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy (AIT) through subcutaneous injection or sublingual delivery is the only approved therapy with curative potential to pollen induced allergies. AIT often is associated with severe side effects and requires long-term treatment. Safer, more effective and convenient allergen specific immunotherapies remain an unmet need. In this review article, we discuss the current progress in applying protein and peptide-based approaches and DNA vaccines to the clinical challenges posed by tree pollen allergies through the lens of preclinical animal models and clinical trials, with an emphasis on the birch and Japanese red cedar pollen induced allergies.
