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PlaneShift MMORPG
by Al222 (18985 pt)
2023-Nov-15 16:03

PlaneShift stands out in the MMORPG landscape for some specific aspects:

Immersion in the Fantasy World

The world of PlaneShi" is detailed and rich in history, mythology and geography. Each race and place has a unique story, which helps create a deeply immersive gaming experience.

System of Ability 

Unlike many MMORPGs that rely on a layer system, PlaneShift uses a skill system. Players improve their skills by actually using them in the game, which means that the actions of the character directly affect its development. PlaneShift players create characters and explore the game’s world, completing missions, battling creatures and interacting with other players. The game focuses heavily on role-playing, encouraging players to develop their characters' stories and interact with others in a manner consistent with the game’s fantasy setting.

Interaction and Community 

The game strongly encourages interaction between players and community formation. In-game events and group activities are frequent, and many players engage in role-playing, creating complex stories for their characters.

PlaneShift has a player-driven internal economy. This includes trading, creating items and other economic aspects that players can explore and exploit.

Being an open-source project, which means that its source code is freely available for anyone who wants to view, edit and distribute it. The game is also free, with no cost to download or play it, which is part of its appeal to a community of players who appreciate the open-source philosophy. PlaneShift is constantly evolving. The developer community works to add new features, improve graphics, and fix bugs, making the game an ever-growing project.

Limitations and Challenges

Given the open-source nature and lack of commercial funding, PlaneShift may have limitations in terms of graphics and some features. This may mean that updates and new content may not be as frequent or refined as in commercially developed games. However, these aspects are often offset by the passion and commitment of the community.


Being free and open-source, PlaneShift is accessible to a wide audience. This attracts players from all over the world, contributing to the diversity and richness of the gaming community.

Planeshift news:
