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di A_Partyns (12874 pt)
12-feb-2023 11:52

Consenso relazione: 8 Media gradimento: 8 Numero utenti: 1
Valutazione  N. EspertiValutazione  N. Esperti

Pomegranate comes from the pomegranate tree (Punicum granatum), which can grow up to 5 metres and is more of a berry than a fruit.

The pomegranate ripens exclusively on the plant so the unripe pomegranates are used only for decoration.

In the phytochemical composition there are polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins, ellagic acid, ursolic acid, gallic acid.

Of all the fresh fruit, the pomegranate has the highest antioxidant power and I quote the formula: 3895.9 +/- 241.4 mg/L x kJ(-1). All the remaining fruit has a lower degree and in order: orange, lemon, mandarin, persimmon, kiwi, pear and avocado (1).

It has first-rate antioxidant properties for the human body (2), releasing ellagic acid into the grains and internal cortex, which protects the brain, intestines, prostate (3) and others.

As far as the prostate is concerned, it is an alternative cure for contrasting the tumor (4).

Microscopic observation of the wound healing process on collagen, number of polymorphonuclear cell infiltration, angiogenesis and re-epithelialisation showed that topical administration of 10% Powder of standardized pomegranate extract accelerates the healing of wounds from second-degree burns (5).

Pomegranate studies


(1) Comparative characteristics of antioxidant capacity and energy content of some foods.  Basov AA, Bykov IM.  Vopr Pitan. 2013;82(3):77-80. Russian.

(2) Anti-oxidant effects of pomegranate juice on Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell growth.  Aslan A, Can Mİ, Boydak D.  Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2014 Jun 4;11(4):14-8. eCollection 2014. 

(3) Ellagic acid, a component of pomegranate fruit juice, suppresses androgen-dependent prostate carcinogenesis via induction of apoptosis.  Naiki-Ito A, Chewonarin T, Tang M, Pitchakarn P, Kuno T, Ogawa K, Asamoto M, Shirai T, Takahashi S.  Prostate. 2014 Oct 4. doi: 10.1002/pros.22900. 

(4) Pomegranate and its components as alternative treatment for prostate cancer.  Wang L, Martins-Green M.  Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Aug 25;15(9):14949-66. doi: 10.3390/ijms150914949.

(5) Evaluation of wound healing potential of pomegranate (Punica granatum) whole fruit extract on skin burn wound in rats (Rattus norvegicus).  Lukiswanto BS, Miranti A, Sudjarwo SA, Primarizky H, Yuniarti WM.  J Adv Vet Anim Res. 2019 Apr 14;6(2):202-207. doi: 10.5455/javar.2019.f333
