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Pasteurized cream
by A_Partyns (12874 pt)
2023-Mar-20 09:36

Review Consensus: 8 Rating: 8 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

Fresh pasteurised cream is used by the food industry in baked goods, ice cream and other food products.

Let's start from a premise: a high value of cholesterol in the human body induces oxidative and inflammatory stress and, at the same time, an increase in endotoxins in the plasma (1). 

Cream is the fatty part of milk that can increase LDL cholesterol values.

This study clarifies the risks associated with a consumption of cream:

48 healthy, normal-weight people between the ages of 25 and 47 were given 75 grams of glucose (300 calories), 33 grams of cream (300 calories) and orange juice (300 calories) daily. At the end of the study, orange juice had not produced any change in the inflammatory indices, while glucose had increased some indices and cream had increased them all (2).

The reason is easy to understand. Cream contains only 2% protein and only 28% unsaturated fats, but it contains 70% saturated fats, i.e. fats that can cause inflammation and damage to the cardiovascular system.

Cream studies


(1) Ghanim H, Abuaysheh S, Sia CL, Korzeniewski K, Chaudhuri A, Fernandez-Real JM, Dandona P.: Increase in plasma endotoxin concentrations and the expression of Toll-like receptors and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in mononuclear cells following a high-fat high-carbohydrate meal: implications for insulin resistance. Diabetes Care 2009

(2) Deopurkar R, Ghanim H, Friedman J, Abuaysheh S, Sia CL, Mohanty P, Viswanathan P, Chaudhuri A, Dandona P. Differential effects of cream, glucose, and orange juice on inflammation, endotoxin, and the expression of Toll-like receptor-4 and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3.  Diabetes Care. 2010 May
