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Wheat fiber
by Nat45 (5698 pt)
2023-Oct-10 17:31

Review Consensus: 7 Rating: 7 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

The wheat fiber refers to the indigestible cell walls of wheat kernels and is used as a dietary fiber supplement and food thickener.

Raw materials used in production. 

  • The essential raw material for the production of wheat fiber is wheat, specifically its cell walls.

Step-by-step summary of industrial production process.

  • Harvesting and Cleaning of Wheat. Wheat kernels are harvested and cleaned to remove impurities and residues.
  • Separation. The cell walls are separated from the digestible part of the wheat through a mechanical or chemical process.
  • Fiber Extraction. The cell walls are then subjected to an extraction process to isolate the fiber.
  • Drying. The extracted fiber is dried to reduce water content and concentrate the product.
  • Pulverization. The dried fiber is then crushed or ground into a fine powder.

Form and color. 

Wheat fiber appears as a fine powder, generally white or light brown depending on the variety and production process.

Commercial applications. 

Wheat fiber is used in a variety of food products to increase fiber content and improve texture, as well as being sold as a dietary supplement.

Food Industry. Wheat fiber is used to improve the structure and consistency of various food items, like bread and other baked goods, by absorbing water and providing bulk.

Digestive Health. Wheat fiber is employed in various products aimed at promoting digestive health, as it helps regulate the intestinal system and can prevent constipation.

Dietary Products. It is prevalent in dietary foods and drinks due to its ability to provide satiety without adding significant calories.

Dietary Supplements. Wheat fiber can be used in dietary supplements to enhance people's daily fiber intake.

Gluten-Free Products. In some instances, gluten-free wheat fiber might be used in products for those with gluten intolerances or allergies.


  • improves the slicing of sausages
  • improves the consistency of ice creams

Wheat (Triticum L. ) belongs to the Poaceae family.

Wheat is a basic ingredient in the human diet and is incorporated into many food products including bread, cereals and pasta.

Nutritional values:

Pretty caloric with about 337 kcalories per 100 grams.

Saturated fatty acids: 0.4g per 100 grams

It contains less protein than hard wheat that is used for the preparation of pasta.

Wheat fiber studies
