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by A_Partyns (12874 pt)
2024-May-11 12:42

Freekeh is an ancient grain made from wheat (Triticum spelta) that is harvested while still green and then roasted. This process gives freekeh a distinctive smoky flavor and a slightly chewy texture. Originating from the Middle East, freekeh is valued for its high content of fiber, protein, and numerous health benefits.

Nutritional Profile (per 100 grams):

  • Calories Approximately 354 kcal.
  • Protein About 12.6 grams, making it a rich source of plant-based protein.
  • Fat About 2.5 grams, low in fat.
  • Carbohydrates About 68.6 grams, primarily in the form of complex carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Fiber About 11.5 grams, providing a high amount of fiber that aids digestion and glycemic control.
  • Vitamins and Minerals Rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, and a good source of B vitamins.

Freekeh is valued not only for its nutritional profile but also for its impact on digestive and cardiovascular health. It helps promote satiety, supports weight management, and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.


Culinary Use Freekeh can be used as a substitute for rice or quinoa in risottos, soups, salads, or as a side dish. It is particularly suited for hearty and spiced dishes.

Health Benefits Supports digestive health, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and may contribute to heart health.

Storage Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place to maintain its freshness and nutritional properties


Freekeh contains gluten, so it should not be taken by those with celiac disease.
