App Tiiips monitors calories, dangerous ingredients
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Food, the dangers.

Ingredients analysed from a health perspective in the light of scientific studies.
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The dark side of the salt (Consensus 38)

A_Partyns: Some time ago, a well-known American newspaper titled "...

Beware of fructose syrup! (Consensus 30)

Al222: Beware of fructose syrup!It is very important to read food l...

Aluminum and Alzheimer, the risks in the food chain (Consensus 29)

Al222: Aluminium hazard in the food sectorThis is a subject we shou...
4. Potatoes, carbs and coffee, that's the trouble! (Consensus 29) 2020-Jan-13
5. Palm oil in nutrition, be careful! (Consensus 28) 2019-Dec-29
6. Butter or margarine? From bad to worse! (Consensus 26) 2020-Jul-03

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  1. Descrizione 299 pts about Beware of fructose syrup! by Al222 2023-Sep-17 18:41
    E' molto importante leggere le etichette dei cibi e controllare gli ingredie ...
  2. Descrizione 289 pts about Beware of fructose syrup! by Al222 2023-Sep-17 18:43
    Beware of fructose syrup!It is very important to read food labels and check ingr ...
  3. Descrizione 50 pts about Free radical damage by ivan 2021-Jul-29 16:04
    Danni causati dai radicali liberiEsaminiamo quali sono i meccanismi attraverso i ...
  4. Descrizione 50 pts about Necrosi by ivan 2021-Jul-29 19:22
    Morte cellulare per necrosiLa  necrosi è un tipo di morte cellulare, ...
  5. Descrizione 50 pts about Apoptosi by ivan 2021-Jul-29 17:44
    La morte per apoptosi è un evento che caratterizza tutti i livelli f ...
  6. Descrizione 37 pts about The dark side of the salt by A_Partyns 2021-Sep-22 09:19
    "Salt killer". Così titolava, qualche tempo fa, un noto quotidi ...

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