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by FCS777 (5552 pt)
2024-Apr-12 11:52

Review Consensus: 9 Rating: 9 Number of users: 1
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La mela (Malus domestica Borkh) è il frutto più coltivato al mondo e pur essendo poco nutriente, fornisce al corpo umano tutta una serie di benefici dovuti al suo contenuto di:

  • Acido clorogenico
  • Epicatechina
  • Flavonoidi
  • Polifenoli
  • Vitamina C

La mela ha proprietà antiossidanti (1) in particolar modo sui grassi della membrana cellulare ed aiuta quindi a contrastare malattie vascolari come l'arteriosclerosi ed altre forme di problemi cardiovascolari.

Altra funzione importante è quella di regolare l'equilibrio dello zucchero nel sangue, stimolando le cellule del pancreas a produrre la giusta dose di insulina (2)

Altri studi hanno dimostrato l'efficacia della mela nel ridurre i rischi dell'asma e dell'invecchiamento.

Le mele crude o cotte sono inoltre un ottimo coadiuvante per la digestione.

La florizina, un composto glucoside che si trova nel succo della mela, in quantità di 100ug/ml ha dimostrato un effetto antiossidante protettivo su danni al DNA e apoptosi cellulare (3).

Tra i polifenoli presenti, cyanidin-3-galactoside, catechina, epicatechina e proantocianidina in un estratto di mela hanno ridotto i radicali liberi  inducendo l'apoptosi delle cellule tumoraliTra le varietà di mele, quelle rosse hanno dimostrato più efficacia contro le cellule tumorali BGC-803 (4).

Phldz (phloretin 2′-O-glucose), un fenilpropanoide che si trova solo nella mela, e Phlor, un suo derivato diretto, esercitano una funzione antinfiammatoria a livello intestinale, migliorando i sintomi dell'infiammazione intestinale (5).

In uno studio crossover che ha coinvolto 30 partecipanti, un'alta assunzione di mele ha migliorato funzione endoteliale, pressione sanguigna e rigidità arteriosa sia in modo acuto che cronico (6). Si può quindi confermare il ruolo cardioprotettivo della mela.

Mela studi


(1) Snyder SM, Zhao B, Luo T, Kaiser C, Cavender G, Hamilton-Reeves J, Sullivan DK, Shay NF. Consumption of Quercetin and Quercetin-Containing Apple and Cherry Extracts Affects Blood Glucose Concentration, Hepatic Metabolism, and Gene Expression Patterns in Obese C57BL/6J High Fat-Fed Mice. J Nutr. 2016 May;146(5):1001-7. doi: 10.3945/jn.115.228817. 

(2) Fathy SM, Drees EA. Protective effects of Egyptian cloudy apple juice and apple peel extract on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and inflammatory status in diabetic rat pancreas. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 Jan 11;16:8. doi: 10.1186/s12906-015-0957-0. 

Abstract. Background: Apples possess rich content of varied polyphenolic compounds showing a variety of biological activities that may ascribe to worthy effects against some chronic diseases. The present study was designed to assess the protective effects of the cloudy apple juice (CAJ) and apple peel extract (APE) of Egyptian Anna apple on the complications in experimental diabetes.... Conclusions: The results indicate that Egyptian CAJ and APE supplementation may have protective effects against deleterious complications of diabetes mellitus.

(3) Wang H, Cheng J, Wang H, Wang M, Zhao J, Wu Z. Protective effect of apple phlorizin on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell damage in HepG2 cells. J Food Biochem. 2019 Dec;43(12):e13052. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13052.

(4) Han M, Li A, Shen T, Meng J, Lei Y, Zhang X, Liu P, Gan L, Ao L, Li H. Phenolic compounds present in fruit extracts of Malus spp. show antioxidative and pro-apoptotic effects on human gastric cancer cell lines. J Food Biochem. 2019 Nov;43(11):e13028. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13028. 

(5) Zielinska D, Laparra-Llopis JM, Zielinski H, Szawara-Nowak D, Giménez-Bastida JA. Role of Apple Phytochemicals, Phloretin and Phloridzin, in Modulating Processes Related to Intestinal Inflammation. Nutrients. 2019 May 25;11(5):1173. doi: 10.3390/nu11051173. 

Abstract. Plant-derived food consumption has gained attention as potential intervention for the improvement of intestinal inflammatory diseases. Apple consumption has been shown to be effective at ameliorating intestinal inflammation symptoms. These beneficial effects have been related to (poly)phenols, including phloretin (Phlor) and its glycoside named phloridzin (Phldz). To deepen the modulatory effects of these molecules we studied: i) their influence on the synthesis of proinflammatory molecules (PGE2, IL-8, IL-6, MCP-1, and ICAM-1) in IL-1β-treated myofibroblasts of the colon CCD-18Co cell line, and ii) the inhibitory potential of the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The results showed that Phlor (10-50 μM) decreased the synthesis of PGE2 and IL-8 and the formation of AGEs by different mechanisms. It is concluded that Phlor and Phldz, compounds found exclusively in apples, are positively associated with potential beneficial effects of apple consumption.

(6) Bondonno NP, Bondonno CP, Blekkenhorst LC, Considine MJ, Maghzal G, Stocker R, Woodman RJ, Ward NC, Hodgson JM, Croft KD. Flavonoid-Rich Apple Improves Endothelial Function in Individuals at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2018 Feb;62(3). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201700674.
