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Emma Thompson

Rating : 9

<1 / 1>from Al222

 Emma Thompson was born on April 15, 1959, in London, United Kingdom.Childhood. Emma grew up in a family of actors and artists. Her mother, Phyllida Law, was an actress, and her father, Eric Thompson, was a director and writer known for creating the television character "The Magic Roundabout." This artistic environment deeply influen... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Al222

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"Descrizione" about Emma Thompson  
by Al222 (19113 pt)
2023-Dec-20 17:26
 Emma Thompson was born on April 15, 1959, in London, United Kingdom.Childhood. Emma grew up in a family of actors and artists. Her mother, Phyllida Law, was an actress, and her father, Eric Thom ...
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Last update:   2014-05-20 18:39:02
