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Acqua Plose frizzante 1l
"Review Plose water"
by Frank123 (12002 pt)
2024-Mar-11 16:07

Review Consensus: 9 Rating: 9 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

Review Plose mineral water

Plose water  springs from a spring at 1870 meters above sea level in the province of Bressanone (BZ).

Fixed residue at 180 degrees Celsius in mineral waters refers to the total amount of minerals in the water after it has been evaporated at 180 degrees Celsius to a constant weight. This value is expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) and is indicative of the degree of mineralization of the water. Fixed residue includes a variety of dissolved minerals and salts, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorides, sulfates, and bicarbonates. Low 180° Fixed Residue means that the water can be drunk even by those who have problems with kidney stones, calculi. A high fixed residue implies a mineral salt content with a relevant weight that can be useful to those with deficiency. Value 22 mg/l among the 10 lightest Italian mineral waters.

Fonte delle Alpi16,9
Plose    e    Monviso22
Blues sorgente Rebruant22
Sant'Anna sorgente Rebruant22

Calcium. It can be an advantage for some organisms or a disadvantage for others. It depends on the bioavailability of the organism receiving it. This mineral plays a crucial role in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, blood clotting, and regulation of heart rate.. Very low value 2.0 mg/l.

With less Calcium mg/l
Pian della Mussa0,63

With more Calcium mg/l
Fonte Essenziale610

Silica. A mineral salt that has recently been reevaluated for its function in removing aluminum nanoparticles found in the human body. Silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), is a natural component of soil and rocks and is present in various concentrations in mineral water, depending on the source from which the water comes. Silica in mineral water is usually present in a soluble form, making it easily assimilated by the human body. The presence of silica in mineral water is considered beneficial to health for several reasons. Silica is known for its properties in supporting bone health, promoting joint flexibility, improving skin health, and strengthening nails and hair. Some studies suggest that silica may play a role in preventing Alzheimer's and promoting cardiovascular health due to its ability to help remove the buildup of aluminum and other heavy metals from the body. Interesting value 5.8 mg/l.

Sodium. The sodium content present in a mineral water, although fairly high, relatively influences the glycemic index, unless there are ongoing pathological situations such as diabetes, obesity and others. Sodium is an essential electrolyte found in mineral waters that plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions, including blood pressure regulation, fluid balance, and nervous system function. Mineral water with high levels of sodium may be useful for people who lose large amounts of salt through sweat as a result of intense physical activity or in very hot environments. On the other hand, individuals with specific health conditions, such as hypertension, or those on a low-sodium diet may need to limit their intake of sodium-rich mineral water to manage or prevent related health problems.  Very low value: 1.1 mg/l, among Italy's 10 lowest sodium mineral waters.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It has been recognized as a cofactor for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in which it is essential, for metabolism. It contributes to bone health, regulation of blood glucose levels, maintenance of muscle and nerve function, and energy production. Mineral waters can be a significant source of magnesium, particularly beneficial for those who may not be getting enough magnesium from their diet. Value 1.4 mg/l, low.

Potassium. Potassium in the human body has fundamental functions in that it regulates the flow of water into cells as well as their osmosis. It participates in the conversion of sugars, the metabolism of vital energy, and the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system. Although potassium is present in many foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and meat, mineral water can provide an additional contribution of this essential mineral. However, compared with other minerals such as calcium and magnesium, potassium is generally present in smaller amounts in mineral waters. Value less than 0.2 mg/l, practically traces.

Nitrates, a value that indicates the purity of water. The lower the value, the purer the water. Nitrates (NO3-) are chemical compounds that may be present in mineral water, usually as a result of the natural nitrogen cycling process or due to agricultural and industrial pollution. The presence of nitrates in mineral water is a cause for concern primarily because of the potential risk to human health, especially for infants and pregnant women.  Safety standards for nitrates in drinking water are set by various regulatory organizations at international and national levels. The World Health Organization (WHO), for example, recommends a maximum limit of 50 milligrams of nitrate per liter of water (mg/L) to prevent adverse health effects.  Value 1.0 mg/L , low.

Fluorides in mineral waters must have a low value as the fluoride content is established by Decree 11/9/2003 art 1 : natural mineral waters, whose fluoride concentration is more than 1.5 mg/L, must have the following statement on the label: "Contains more than 1.5 mg/L of fluoride: regular consumption by infants and children under seven years of age is not appropriate." Excessive exposure can lead to conditions such as dental fluorosis, which causes staining and, in severe cases, damage to tooth enamel, or skeletal fluorosis, which affects bones. Therefore, it is important to monitor total fluoride intake, taking into account all sources, including drinking water, fluoridated toothpastes, foods and beverages prepared with fluoride-containing water. Value less than 0.1 mg/l,low.


Plose water has an excellent balance of minerals present, a minimal Sodium content and is among the 10 lightest Italian mineral waters analyzed.  In the Tiiips ranking, it is among the 10 best Italian mineral waters. Unfortunately, it has a very limited diffusion in the territory.
