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To be taken in controlled quantity
by Al222 (19120 pt)
2024-Jan-01 18:50

"To be taken in controlled quantity"

This phrase indicates that a particular ingredient or substance in a food should be consumed in limited or specific amounts to ensure safety and health. A few examples:

  • Potential Toxicity. Some ingredients can become toxic if consumed in large amounts.
  • Side Effects. Some substances might cause unwanted side effects if taken in excess.
  • Interactions. The ingredient might interact with other medications or substances, leading to adverse effects.
  • Dietary Limits. For individuals with particular dietary needs or medical conditions, it might be necessary to limit the intake of certain ingredients.

In general, the phrase underscores the importance of consuming the ingredient in moderation and with awareness, avoiding excessive intake.

Let's look at a few, among many:

  • Added Sugars. Excessive consumption can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Salt (Sodium). Excess sodium can increase the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Saturated Fats. Too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

Alcohol. Excessive consumption can cause liver damage, addiction, and other health issues.

Caffeine. In large amounts, it can cause insomnia, anxiety, and heart issues.

Artificial Additives. Some colorings and preservatives can have negative health effects if consumed in large quantities.

Artificial Sweeteners. While safe within certain limits, excessive consumption can have side effects.

Trans Fatty Acids. Can increase "bad" cholesterol and decrease "good" cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease.
