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Coronavirus COVID19. Part Four. Researching therapy (Consensus 39)

Al222: All the information contained in this article, in the video ...

Coronavirus COVID-19, Part Three. Natural defenses help. (Consensus 38)

Al222: All the information contained in this video and in the site ...

Coronavirus COVID-19. Part Two. How to defend ourselves (Consensus 37)

A_Partyns: What the latest studies say Relationships If it is not nec...
4. Coronavirus COVID-19. Part One. Infection and mask (Consensus 28) 2020-Mar-14
5. Covid-19 history, defenses, therapies (Consensus 20) 2021-Apr-07
6. Coronavirus and Covid-19 (Consensus 20) 2020-May-17

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  1. Descrizione 18 pts about Coronavirus self-certification 26/3/2020 by Al222 2020-Nov-05 19:31
    Autocertificazione del 5/11/2020 Attenzione. In data 26/3/2020 il modulo di a ...
  2. Descrizione 10 pts about COVID-19. Chitosan as prevention. Can it work? by Al222 2020-Mar-27 11:34
    COVID-19. Chitosan come prevenzione. Può funzionare? Introduzione Vi &e ...
  3. Descrizione 10 pts about COVID-19. Chitosan as prevention. Can it work? by Al222 2020-Mar-27 11:35
    COVID-19. Chitosan as prevention. Can it work? Introduction There is a questio ...
  4. Descrizione 10 pts about Covid-19 history, defenses, therapies by Al222 2021-Apr-07 12:45
    I Coronavirus, un nome coniato nel 1968 che deriva dalla morfologia a corona del ...
  5. Descrizione 10 pts about Covid-19 history, defenses, therapies by Al222 2021-Apr-07 12:45
    Coronaviruses, a name coined in 1968 derived from the crown morphology of its st ...
  6. Descrizione 10 pts about Coronavirus and Covid-19 by Al222 2020-May-17 18:35
    Premessa I Coronavirus, un nome coniato nel 1968 che deriva dalla morfologia a ...

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