App Tiiips monitors calories, dangerous ingredients
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Nutrition and well-being. Risks!

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Possible risk. Click ingredient (Consensus 0)

Al222: Synthetic chemicals that can reach and alter normal endocrin...

Photocontact allergy (Consensus 0)

Al222: Contact allergy is one of the most common forms of allergy c...

Allergen (Consensus 0)

Al222: Allergen is one of the most frequent causes of allergic reac...
4. Ethoxylated chemical compound (Consensus 0) 2023-Jan-25
5. Avoid prolonged contact (Consensus 0) 2023-Jan-25
6. Possible eye irritant (Consensus 0) 2024-Feb-09
7. Harmful to mucous membranes (Consensus 0) 2023-Jan-25
8. Probably carcinogenic (Consensus 0) 2023-Feb-27
9. Take only under medical supervision (Consensus 0) 2023-Jun-19
10. Hypercaloric (Consensus 0) 2024-Apr-05
11. Avoid inhalation (Consensus 0) 2024-Apr-11
12. Potential cosmetic irritant (Consensus 0) 2024-Mar-24
13. Possible cytotoxic risk (Consensus 0) 2024-Feb-23
14. Probable animal origin (Consensus 0) 2023-Sep-14

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Most evaluated Tiiip:Sort by title Show my Tiiips
  1. Descrizione 10 pts about Specific allergy by FRanier 2024-Jan-01 19:17
    AlimentazioneLe allergie e le intolleranze alimentari sono reazioni avverse a de ...
  2. Descrizione 10 pts about Specific allergy by FRanier 2024-Jan-01 19:16
    FoodFood allergies and intolerances are adverse reactions to certain foods, but ...
  3. Descrizione 10 pts about Danger for bees and pollinating insects by Flight444 2024-Jan-01 18:56
    Abbiamo raggruppato, sotto questo titolo, quello che è stato accertato co ...
  4. Descrizione 10 pts about Risk diabetes 2 by Al222 2024-Jan-01 19:43
    Cos'è il Diabete mellitoIl diabete mellito è un disturbo del m ...
  5. Descrizione 10 pts about Possible risk. Click on ingredient by Frank123 2024-Apr-03 11:29
     Il cuore è un muscolo e, come tale, può subire lesioni causa ...
  6. Descrizione 8 pts about High fructose content by Ark90 2024-Jan-01 18:38
    Fructose is a natural component, a monosaccharide found naturally in fruit, ...
  7. Descrizione 8 pts about High fructose content by Ark90 2024-Jan-01 18:38
    Il Fruttosio è un componente naturale, un monosaccaride che si trova ...
  8. Descrizione 8 pts about Contains gluten by Al222 2024-Jan-01 19:28
    La terapia obbligatoria per i celiaci consiste nell'abolizione del glutine d ...
  9. Descrizione 8 pts about Possible risk. Click on ingredient by Frank123 2024-Apr-03 11:29
     The heart is a muscle and, as such, can be injured by a poor diet whe ...
  10. Descrizione 7 pts about Danger for bees and pollinating insects by Flight444 2024-Jan-01 18:59
    We have grouped, under this title, what has been ascertained as certain damage t ...
  11. Descrizione 0 pts about Ingredient at risk by Al222 2023-Jan-25 10:15
    Ingredienti  per i quali non si possono escludere rischi per la salute uman ...
  12. Descrizione 0 pts about Ingredient at risk by Al222 2023-Jan-25 10:16
    According to scientific studies, ingredients which, for which risks to human hea ...
  13. Descrizione 0 pts about Danger to pets by Al222 2024-Jan-01 19:04
    Cibi sconsigliati per l'alimentazione animale che possono arrecare danni all ...
  14. Descrizione 0 pts about Danger to pets by Al222 2024-Jan-01 19:06
    Some foods can be very dangerous for pets and should be avoided to ensure t ...

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