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Lantana camara
by Ottika12 (1905 pt)
2023-Aug-15 21:15

Review Consensus: 8 Rating: 8 Number of users: 1
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Lantana camara, commonly known as lantana, is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. It is native to the American tropics but has been introduced to other parts of the world, where it has become an invasive species in some areas. Lantana camara is known for its colorful, vibrant flowers, which can be a mix of red, orange, yellow, or blue and white, depending on the variety. The plant is often grown as an ornamental in gardens, but it has also been used in traditional medicine in some cultures. Here are some notable characteristics and facts about Lantana camara:


Lantana camara is a perennial shrub that typically grows to a height of 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet), but can grow taller under favorable conditions.

Its leaves are opposite, rough-textured, and have a somewhat strong, unpleasant aroma when crushed.

The flowers of Lantana camara are small but are clustered together in dense heads, creating a striking display. The flowers are often a mix of colors, with the individual flowers changing color as they mature, leading to multicolored clusters.

Growth Habit:

Lantana is a vigorous grower and can quickly establish itself in a variety of habitats. It prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade. It is known for being drought-tolerant and is often found in disturbed sites, along roadsides, and in uncultivated fields.

Invasive Nature:

Outside its native range, Lantana camara can become a problematic invasive species. It has a tendency to form dense thickets that can outcompete native vegetation. This has become a major issue in places like Australia, parts of Africa, and the Pacific Islands. Various countries have established control programs to manage and contain the spread of Lantana camara due to its invasive nature.

Traditional Uses:

Despite its toxicity, Lantana camara has been used in traditional medicine in various cultures. Its leaves and roots have been used to treat a variety of ailments, including skin problems, respiratory issues, and fevers. However, the use of lantana for medicinal purposes should be approached with caution, as the plant is toxic and can be harmful if not used properly.

Ornamental Use:

Due to its vibrant and colorful flowers, Lantana camara is a popular ornamental plant in gardens in tropical and subtropical regions. It attracts butterflies, bees, and other pollinators, making it a favorite among gardeners who want to support local wildlife.

Cultivars and Hybrids:

There are many cultivars and hybrids of Lantana camara that have been developed for ornamental use. These cultivars have been bred for a range of flower colors, growth habits, and other desirable traits.


Parts of the Lantana camara plant, particularly the berries, are toxic to livestock and pets. The green, unripe berries are more toxic than the ripe, black berries. The plant’s toxicity is due to compounds such as lantadene A and B.

Although Lantana camara has been studied for its pharmacological properties (1), it is believed to be one of the most toxic plants (2).


(1) Safety assessment and antioxidant activity of Lantana montevidensis leaves: Contribution to its phytochemical and pharmacological activity.  -  Barros LM, Duarte AE, Pansera Waczuk E, Roversi K, da Cunha FAB, Rolon M, Coronel C, Gomez MCV, de Menezes IRA, da Costa JGM, Boligon AA, Hassan W, Souza DO, da Rocha JBT, Kamdem JP.  -  EXCLI J. 2017 Apr 21;16:566-582. doi: 10.17179/excli2017-163. eCollection 2017.

(2) Ghisalbert EL. Lantana camara L.(Verbenaceae) Fitoterapia. 2000;71:467–486.
