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Fig paste
by Frank123 (12002 pt)
2023-Oct-12 12:29

Review Consensus: 9 Rating: 9 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

Fig paste is a food product made primarily from figs and possibly other ingredients like sugar and sometimes additional thickening or preserving agents.

Raw materials used in production.

  • Figs selected, cleaned, and prepared.
  • Sugar might be used to further sweeten the paste.
  • Thickening agents (optional) might be used to ensure a desired consistency.

Step-by-step summary of industrial production process.

  • Selection. Figs are selected, washed, and prepared.
  • Grinding. Figs are ground into a pasty consistency.
  • Cooking. Ground figs are cooked, often with added sugar.
  • Thickening. If needed, thickening agents are added, and the mixture is cooked until the desired consistency is reached.
  • Cooling. The paste is allowed to cool and set.

Form and color. 

Fig paste has a dense consistency and a color that can range from yellow-brown to dark brown, depending on the type of figs and the production process.

Commercial applications. 

Fig paste is utilized in a variety of products including snacks, energy bars, baked goods, and as an ingredient in some culinary recipes.

Diet and Cooking. Fig paste is used as an ingredient in many sweets and baked goods but can also be eaten on its own as a sweet snack or used in pairing with cheeses and other foods.

Industrial Production. To produce fig paste, figs are cooked, processed, and concentrated into a dense paste. Often, other ingredients like sugar, citric acid, and pectin may be added to preserve and stabilize the product.

Diet and Health. Fig paste provides fiber, vitamins, and minerals but is also high in natural sugars, so it is advisable to consume it in moderation, especially for those who need to keep blood sugar levels in check.

The fig (Ficus carica tree belonging to the botanical family Moraceae) is one of the oldest fruit trees known to man. Originating in Western Asia, figs have been cultivated in all regions of the Mediterranean basin for thousands of years. 

Their presence is well-documented in many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Romans.

Uses of Figs.

Figs are used in a wide range of dishes and preparations. Beyond being consumed fresh or dried, figs are used to produce jams, jellies, and pastries. In some cultures, figs are also used to make fermented beverages or liqueurs.

In culinary applications, figs are often used to create flavor contrasts, pairing their natural sweetness with savory or tart flavors.

Safety of Figs.

While figs are widely consumed and generally considered safe, there are some concerns and precautions related to their consumption. Individuals who have a latex allergy might react to the latex present in fresh figs. Additionally, figs contain oxalates, which in large quantities can interfere with calcium absorption in the body.

It's also important to note that dried figs have a higher caloric and sugar content compared to fresh figs, which may be a consideration for individuals monitoring sugar and calorie intake.
