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Review. Tattoos: goods, problems and solutions.

Rating : 9

<1 / 1>from Al222

Review. Tattoos: goods, problems and solutions. The new study by German scientists and ESRF published in "Scientific Reports" warns about the rather serious risks associated with tattoos.Those who have a tattoo know they have a decorative element on their skin, they don't know what are the consequences that dyes will cause inside... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from Al222

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"Descrizione" about Review. Tattoos: goods, problems and solutions.   Review Consensus 10
by Al222 (19814 pt)
2023-Sep-14 20:54
Tatuaggi, pregi, problemi e soluzioni (Il viaggio dei coloranti ai linfonodi)Il nuovo studio di scienziati tedeschi e dell’Esrf pubblicato su «Scientific Reports» avverte sui rischi ...
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Last update:   2023-09-14 20:53:10