![]() | "Descrizione" by Flight444 (3413 pt) | 2024-Apr-05 11:08 |
Evaluation | N. Experts | Evaluation | N. Experts |
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Natural and artificial flavors are ingredients commonly used in the food industry to enhance the taste and aroma of products. While natural flavors are derived from plant or animal sources, artificial flavors are synthesized in the laboratory.
On the nutritional aspect, natural flavors might come from sources that contain additional nutrients, whereas artificial flavors are typically designed to mimic the taste and aroma of natural ingredients without contributing nutritional value. It's worth noting that the primary purpose of both natural and artificial flavors is to enhance taste rather than to provide nutrition. Yet, the broader context of choosing foods that are minimally processed and closer to their natural state can indeed contribute to a more nutritious diet.
Regarding safety, artificial flavors are indeed subject to rigorous testing before approval for use in food products. However, the concern about allergens in artificial flavors is understandable, as the specific components of an artificial flavor mixture might not always be fully disclosed due to proprietary reasons. This can make it difficult for individuals with allergies to identify potential allergens.
Unlike generic flavourings, which are synthetic, chemical in nature, the term 'natural flavourings' must contain the name of the product(s) they refer to.
Explanation :
EU legislation defines a 'natural flavouring substance' as a flavouring substance obtained by appropriate physical, enzymatic or microbiological processes from material of vegetable, animal or microbiological origin, either in the raw state or after processing for human consumption by one or more of the traditional food preparation processes listed in Annex II. Natural flavouring substances correspond to substances normally present and identified in nature. (1)
Specific provisions for the use of the term 'natural'
To sum up:
The substances from which "Natural Flavor" is obtained must be 95 percent natural. The remaining 5%?
Different matter is whether they are obtained by chemical or other process. So, in conclusion, perhaps it would be best to avoid flavorings (with any literary extension beside them).
(1) Regulation (CE) n. 1334/2008 Art.3 , 2c
(2) Regulation (CE) n. 1334/2008 Art.16
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